
Overview of Products & Services

Step 1:
From the side navigation, Click on the "Product and Services" menu. This will expand the sub-menu items.
Step 2:
From the sub-menu items, click on the "Product and Service List" sub-menu.
Step 3:
The application will take you to the "Product and Service List" page, where you can see the list of all products and services together with their applicable vat rates.

There are two parts in this page. In the first part, you can view the total number of product(s)/service(s), total active & total inactive product(s)/service(s).
Step 4:
In the second part, you can find the "List of all products and services" as shown in the image. By default, this table shows the recent 20 items, and list is sorted by the names in ascending order.
Step 5:
To add a new product/service, you need to click on the "Add new product/service" button.
Step 6:
You can export the list by clicking on the "Export to Excel" button.
Step 7:
You can also search any product/service by using the "Search Panel".
Step 8:
To edit a product/service, you have to click on the "Edit" button from the Actions column.
Step 9:
To deactivate a product/service, you have to click on the "Deactivate" button from the Actions column.
Step 10:
As shown in the image, you will find "Page Navigation" buttons. Be default, the table shows 20 items at a time. You need to use these buttons to navigate from one page to another page.
Step 11:
If you want to see the full list of product/service without navigating from one page to another, then you need to change the "Page Size " from 20 to All, as show in the image.
Step 12:
On the right bottom side of the table, you can see how many categories are showing in the table. As you can see from the image that currently it is showing "1 - 1 of 1 items", which means that there are only 1 product/service and the table is showing 1 item as well.
Step 13:
In case if you want to refresh/reload the table, you can use "Refresh" button as shown in the image.